Join Wolf Cubs (8-11) :
Wolf Cubs are the second youngest section of our Scout Group ~ the Wolf Cub Pack, these are Boys and girls usually aged between 8 to 10.5/11 years of age.
Boys and girls can join the Wolf Cubs in the three months leading up to their eighth birthday on a trial basis.
Wolf Cubs within the Wolf Cub Pack are placed into a Six and wear a triangle badge of the colour of their Six; a Six comprises usually six Wolf Cubs, the senior one of these being the Sixer wears two yellow strips around the arm on their jumper, and a Six Seconder who wears a single yellow strip around the arm of their jumper. The Sixer and Seconder supervise their Six and help the other Wolf Cubs within the Six with discipline, inspections, Wolf Cub test work and in games to encourage a friendly little team. There is also a Senior Sixer who wears three yellow strips around the arm of their jumper who leads the ceremonies and supervision of the Wolf Cub Pack along with the Leaders.
Wolf Cubs are easily recognised by their distinctive and very smart uniform, comprising a green jumper, a yellow corded green cap, grey shorts, navy blue long socks with two emerald green rings around the sock downturns supported by emerald green garter flashes. They also wear their Scout Group colour neckerchief with a Wolf Head Woggle. The uniform is purchased from the Scout Group who maintains a good stock of all Sections’ uniforms.
Wolf Cubs meet usually once a week. They are required to attend Church Parades held once a month and support the Wolf Cub Six and Scout Group in various other activities from time to time of which they will be notified.
Wolf cubs enjoy making new friends from the catchment area of the scout group not just school friends, passing wolf cub tests and gaining many badges, camping, exploring, other outdoor activities, playing games, going on visits and helping others, all within our very friendly family orientated scout group.
Hopefully all Wolf Cubs will gain their top award ‘THE LEAPING WOLF BADGE’ before their 11th. Birthday so that they are ready to progress and become a Boy or Girl Scout in our Scout Troop at the age of 10.5/11 years old.